As you may be aware that India is hosting the G20 this time and under Civil Society 20 (C20), one of the official engagement groups of G20, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan will play a significant role alongside YOJAK, which is one of the Coordinators for Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) in C20 & an important collaborator of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan.
Civil Society 20 (C20), which is one of the eleven official engagement groups of the G20, attempts to represent the views of global civil society organisations to the heads of state by bringing their perspectives on environmental protection, social & economic development, and human rights. The major themes focussed are:-
1. Ahaar -Vihaar, which focusses on What to eat and when to eat etc.
2. Reduction in Green House Emission through common Life Style Practices.
3. Common Usage of Daily Life Usable for eg Use of single Television in the hall.
The Youth will play a major role in the achievement of objectives & for that it has to be ensured they must be educated & aware so as to lead a healthy life. Unnat Bharat Abhiyan with its network of Higher Education Institutions can contribute in the Sensitization of Youth about sustainability & Holistic lifestyles (LiFE).
In view of above, it gives us immense pleasure to share that the C20 LiFE working group is going to host its first subtheme conference on Grassroot innovations and LiFE in Hyderabad. The conference is in Hybrid mode and is scheduled on 7th-8th April, 2023. The detailed timings may be explored below & from the poster attached.
7th April, 2023-1:45 PM onwards
8th April, 2023- 9:15 AM onwards
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan with its network of Higher Education Institutions must contribute in the Sensitization of Youth about sustainability & Holistic lifestyles (LiFE), for which maximum participation of students has to be ensured. It is a good opportunity for us to ensure that the objectives of C20 are achieved with necessary support from the HEIs engaged under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan. The commitment is the need and not merely enrolling for the program. The students must understand the importance of the program and must participate with the committed mindset.
Hence, it is requested to all Higher Educational Institutions under UBA to participate with complete dedication in all the programs planned by the C 20 working Group. (schedule is attached for ready reference).
Note: Commitment is the key and students must understand the importance of program. It may be noted that the reporting of the participation numbers is mandatory for all Participating Institutions.