Rasulpur Pr Raja village is located in Nandura tehsil of Buldana district in Maharashtra, India. It is situated 3km away from sub-district headquarter Nandura (tehsildar office) and 46km away from district headquarter Buldana. As per 2009 stats, Rasulpur is the gram panchayat of Rasulpur Pr Raja village. The total geographical area of village is 358.31 hectares.
Household survey:
The villagers were very happy after getting to know about the Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan through village meetings and social commitment. From our college, 53 students and 02 professors went to Rasulpur Pr Raja and conducted house to house survey on 21 September 2023. In the household survey, provide basic information about the household, such as how many. Individuals are in family, their age, education, health, livelihood, agriculture related information and many issues related to their daily life like, problems faced by villagers in their village and number of government schemes. These problems were collected village by village and finally prioritized. This becomes the basic evidence as well as the information to formulate the development plan of the village according to their needs and requirements.
Problem Identification: